Check out and get involved with the events at the College and Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

Ask Me Anything with Associate Dean Ebeler
Throughout the year, Associate Dean Sue Ebeler holds an ‘Ask Me Anything’ session for students in each major. This is a time to talk with Associate Dean Ebeler and college advisors about your major, your classes, opportunities you’d like to see for students, etc. Let us know what’s on your mind and learn about goals and initiatives the college is working on. This is an informal event and a chance to ask questions and meet other students, academic advisors, and the Associate Dean. Check out the calendar for the next Ask Me Anything session!

Award of Distinction
Every year the college presents the Award of Distinction to honor individuals whose contributions and achievements have positively impacted our communities, advanced science and education or enhanced the college’s ability to serve California and the world.

Coffee with the Dean
This is an opportunity to chat with members of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CA&ES) leadership. Dean Helene Dillard and Associate Dean Sue Ebeler have a lot of experience working with college students and are happy to answer any questions you may have about the college or how to maximize your college career. They can share words of wisdom and offer sound advice on various topics like research, industry, building community and how to get involved. This event happens during Fall and Spring quarter. Check out the calendar for the next Coffee with the Dean.

Day of Kindness
Joey, an advisor in the CA&ES Dean’s Office, had a smile for everyone, his spirit of community and respect for others had a positive and lasting impact on so many students, staff, and faculty at UC Davis. Please join us on October 11 as we honor the memory of our Joey Almario. We invite you to share Joey’s spirit of joy and happiness by doing acts of kindness for others throughout the day. Please feel free to share your moments by using #dayofkindness.

Field Day
This is an special event for current FFA and 4-H students in California and surrounding states. Students can continue their exploration of careers in global agriculture, food, fiber and natural resource systems through 25 different agriculturally based judging contests.

Service Trips
Looking for an opportunity to learn about issues facing our surrounding communities? Check out our college service trips! These trips are a great way to proactively engage with the community, meet other students and meet staff members in the college. We offer one time service trips throughout the academic year and a week-long service trip during spring break. Check out the calendar for our next service trip.

Slice of Advising
Have a few slices of pizza while meeting fellow CA&ES students and Dean’s Office advisors! In an informal setting, ask any questions you may have about your academic plans and also give others advice on how to thrive at UC Davis. You’ll sit at a table with a small group of peers and an advisor and you can come and go as you please. This event happens once a quarter. Check out the calendar for the next Slice of Advising.

Study Break
Take a break from studying and finals to grab some goodies and CA&ES swag at the Dean’s Office. The Undergraduate Academic Programs (UAP) advisors can answer quick questions and cheer you on as you finish another quarter (cow bells may be involved.) This event happens every quarter during finals week. Check out the calendar for the next Study Break.

If you’re not able to make it to one of our in-person events, we’ll come to you! Attend a live webinar and chat with Undergraduate Academic Programs (UAP) advisors and peer advisors on various topics like eating healthy, internships, scheduling tips and how to stay on track with your academics. Webinars happen every quarter. Check out the calendar for the next live webinar or watch a previous webinar here.

Welcome Events
Come learn more about the college by attending our College Welcome, Ice Cream Social and major department welcome events during Fall quarter. This is an opportunity to meet new students and also snag some free college swag!