R. M. Bohart Museum of Entomology
The R. M. Bohart Museum of Entomology founded in 1946, is located on the UC Davis campus. The museum is dedicated to teaching, research and service. We have the seventh largest insect collection in North America, which is worldwide in coverage. The collection holdings total more than seven million specimens, and focus on terrestrial and fresh water invertebrates.

Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology
The Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology houses one of the most significant, modern collections of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and fish in California. With over 60,000 specimens the MWFB is among the top ten collections in California, and the third largest university-managed collection in the state.

Center for Plant Diversity
The Center for Plant Diversity has over 300,000 dead plants called herbarium specimens. Each specimens consists of a flattened and dried plant glued onto a sheet of 11 x 17 inch archival paper with a label in the lower right corner.