Sue Ebeler Recognized for Her Teamwork on Postvention Committee
In the aftermath of a tragedy, the process of healing can be difficult. At UC Davis, there’s a committee that works to ensure support and assistance are provided after a sudden student death.
Sue Ebeler, associate dean of Undergraduate Academic Programs within the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CA&ES), has been a member of the UC Davis Postvention Committee since its inception in 2019, and is reminded of the importance of community, compassion and resilience in the face of adversity.
Ebeler was recently recognized for her teamwork and contributions as a dedicated member of the committee.
Student Affairs oversees the Postvention Committee, which is comprised of a multidisciplinary team of university representatives. The committee provides a thoughtful plan of action for how best to support everyone on campus when a student death occurs.
“It’s inspiring and an honor to be part of the team because we come together to think through the impacts on people and on the community,” said Ebeler, who is also a professor with the Department of Viticulture and Enology. “It’s very hard work; there’s times where it really is difficult and these are tragic situations. It’s important that we remember that the person who died was part of our community, and as a community, this is how we come together.”
Ebeler was nominated for recognition by Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Pablo Reguerín, who commended her for working collaboratively with colleagues from across the university to ensure those who need support are aware of the resources and services available to them.
“Dr. Sue Ebeler played a key role on the postvention team, supporting aspects such as being a liaison to the Academic Senate and the academic colleges, ensuring that several students received their posthumous degrees,” Reguerín said.
CA&ES Dean Helene Dillard also praised Ebeler for her dedication to the well-being of her colleagues, students and community members.
“We all know how much care and empathy Sue puts into this work, and we can feel her full attention, heart and soul in every postvention communication,” Dillard said. “It’s a difficult service committee to serve on, and we very much appreciate her participation.”
Working on the committee has been a meaningful experience for Ebeler, who is proud of the ways the team helps those in need navigate through the healing process.
“The community has shown amazing resilience over the past four years, during a pandemic. It’s been a tough time and the Postvention Committee has been able to help the community grieve and go through that grieving process in an intentional and compassionate way,” Ebeler said. “If we can help individuals understand that there is support for them, that helps their resiliency and the community as a whole.”