Position Title
Professor Emeritus
Position Title
Professor Emeritus
- Plant Sciences
A nutritional explanation for body-size patterns of ruminant and nonruminant herbivoresMW Demment, PJ Van Soest
The American Naturalist 125 (5), 641-672, 1985
Invited Review: Role of livestock in human nutrition and health for poverty reduction in developing countries,,
TF Randolph, E Schelling, D Grace, CF Nicholson, JL Leroy, DC Cole, ...
Journal of animal science 85 (11), 2788-2800, 2007
Effects of sward height and bulk density on bite dimensions of cattle grazing homogeneous swards
EA Laca, ED Ungar, N Seligman, MW Demment
Grass and forage science 47 (1), 91-102, 1992
Animal source foods improve dietary quality, micronutrient status, growth and cognitive function in Kenyan school children: background, study design and baseline findings
CG Neumann, NO Bwibo, SP Murphy, M Sigman, S Whaley, LH Allen, ...
the Journal of Nutrition 133 (11), 3941S-3949S, 2003
Validation of the household food insecurity access scale in rural Tanzania
D Knueppel, M Demment, L Kaiser
Public health nutrition 13 (3), 360-367, 2010