Position Title
Position Title
- Land, Air and Water Resources
ASCE's standardized reference evapotranspiration equationIA Walter, RG Allen, R Elliott, ME Jensen, D Itenfisu, B Mecham, ...
Watershed management and operations management 2000, 1-11, 2000
A recommendation on standardized surface resistance for hourly calculation of reference ETo by the FAO56 Penman-Monteith method
RG Allen, WO Pruitt, JL Wright, TA Howell, F Ventura, R Snyder, D Itenfisu, ...
Agricultural water management 81 (1-2), 1-22, 2006
Water scarcity and future challenges for food production
N Mancosu, RL Snyder, G Kyriakakis, D Spano
Water 7 (3), 975-992, 2015
Plant water status as an index of irrigation need in deciduous fruit trees
KA Shackel, H Ahmadi, W Biasi, R Buchner, D Goldhamer, S Gurusinghe, ...
HortTechnology 7 (1), 23-29, 1997
Frost protection: fundamentals, practice, and economics
RL Snyder, JPM Abreu, S Matulich