Position Title
Associate Cooperative Extension Specialist
- Food Science and Technology
Polari, J. J.; Garci-Aguirre, D.; Olmo-Garcia L.; Carrasco-Pancorbo, A. Wang, S. C. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 2018, 180097: “Interactions Between Hammer Mill Crushing Variables and Malaxation Time During Continuous Olive Oil Extraction”
Olmo-Garcia, L.; Polari J. J.; Li, X.; Bajoub, A.; Fernandez-Gutiereez, A.; Wang, S. C.; Carrasco-Pancorbo, A. Food Chem. 2018, 261, 184-193: “Deep Insight into the Minor Fraction of Virgin Olive Oil by Using LC-MS and GC-MS Multi-class Methodologies”
Li, X.; Wang, S. C. Journal of Food Quality 2018, 1-15: “Shelf Life of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Its Prediction Models”
Crawford, L. M; Holstege, D. M.; Wang, S. C. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2018, 66, 136-144: “High-throughput Extraction Method for Phenolic Compounds in Olive Fruit (Olea europaea)”
Polari, J. J.; Garci-Aguirre, D.; Olmo-Garcia L.; Carrasco-Pancorbo, A. Wang, S. C. Food Chem., 2017, 242, 362-368: “Impact of Industrial Hammer Mill Rotor Speed on Extraction Efficiency and Quality of Extra Virgin Olive Oil”
Agrawal, K.; Melliou, E.; Li, X.; Pedersen, T. L.; Wang, S. C.; Magiatis, P.; Newman, J. W.; Holt, R. R. J. Funct. Foods 2017, 36, 84-93: “The Ratio of Oleocanthal to Oleacein in Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) Determines Acute Anti-platelet Effects in Responsive Healthy Men”
Tang, S.; Avena-Bustillos, R. d. J.; Lear, M.; Sedej, I.; Holstege, D. M.; Friedman, M.; McHugh, T. H.; Wang, S. C. J. Food Eng. 2016: “Evaluation of Thermal Processing Variables for Reducing Acrylamide in Canned Black Ripe Olives”
Sedej, I.; Milczarek, R.; Wang, S. C.; Sheng, R.; Avena-Bustillos, R. J.; Dao, L.; Takeoka, G. I. J. Food Sci. Tech. 2016: “Spray Drying of a Phenolic-rich Membrane Filtration Fraction of Olive Mill Wastewater: Optimization and Dried Product Quality”
Sedej, I.; Milczarek, R.; Wang, S. C.; Sheng, R.; Avena-Bustillos, R. d. J.; Dao, L.; Takeoka, G. J. Food Sci. 2016, 81, E889-E896: “Membrane-Filtered Olive Mill Wastewater: Quality Assessment of the Dried Phenolic-Rich Fraction”
Tena, N.; Wang, S. C.; Aparicio-Ruiz R.; Garcia-González, D. L.; Aparicio, R. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2015, 63(18), 4509-4526: “An In-Depth Assessment of Analytical Methods for Olive Oil Purity, Safety and Quality Characterization”
Li, X.; Woodman, M.; Wang, S. C. J. Sep. Science 2015, 38(16), 2813-2818: “High-performance Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection for the Rapid Analysis of Pheophytins and Pryopheophytins in Virgin Olive Oil”