Timothy Beatty

Timothy Beatty

Position Title

  • Agricultural and Resource Economics


Mercury advisories: information, education, and fish consumption
JP Shimshack, MB Ward, TKM Beatty
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 53 (2), 158-179, 2007

Expenditure response to increases in in‐kind transfers: Evidence from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
TKM Beatty, CJ Tuttle
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 97 (2), 390-404, 2015

Air pollution and children's respiratory health: A cohort analysis
TKM Beatty, JP Shimshack
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 67 (1), 39-57, 2014

How demanding is the revealed preference approach to demand?
TKM Beatty, IA Crawford
American Economic Review 101 (6), 2782-2795, 2011

School buses, diesel emissions, and respiratory health
TKM Beatty, JP Shimshack
Journal of health economics 30 (5), 987-999, 2011
