Position Title
Position Title
- Agricultural and Resource Economics
Stochastic wealth dynamics and risk management among a poor populationTJ Lybbert, CB Barrett, S Desta, D Layne Coppock
The Economic Journal 114 (498), 750-777, 2004
Agricultural technologies for climate change in developing countries: Policy options for innovation and technology diffusion
TJ Lybbert, DA Sumner
Food policy 37 (1), 114-123, 2012
Getting patents and economic data to speak to each other: An ‘algorithmic links with probabilities’ approach for joint analyses of patenting and economic activity
TJ Lybbert, NJ Zolas
Research Policy 43 (3), 530-542, 2014
Consumption versus asset smoothing: testing the implications of poverty trap theory in Burkina Faso
MR Carter, TJ Lybbert
Journal of Development Economics 99 (2), 255-264, 2012
Can mobile phones improve learning? Evidence from a field experiment in Niger
JC Aker, C Ksoll, TJ Lybbert
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 4 (4), 94-120, 2012