A student riding a horse in an arena.

Horse Barn

The Department of Animal Science Horse Barn has been a mainstay of the University of California, Davis since its foundation in the early 1910s. Our program features a teaching research, and breeding herd of about 40 horses at the UC Davis animal science horse barn. The barn produces about 10-15 foals per year through stallion management and mare/foal management internships. These foals are offered for sale to the public each June, with proceeds directly benefiting the future of the teaching and internship programs.

The Horse Barn strives to educate its students about all aspects of equine reproduction and management via hands-on experience. The Horse Barn relies heavily on student involvement to keep it running.  Each year approximately 10-15 students help keep the barn clean, maintained and fed.

Virtual Tour of the Horse Barn


Contact Information

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Phone: 530-754-4156