Academic difficulty can happen for many reasons including health (physical, mental, emotional), family circumstances, transitional challenges, course selection etc. It is important to know that you are not alone in experiencing these difficulties. Many students go through this process. The processes outlined below are intentionally designed to be helpful to you and to promote a successful experience at UC Davis. The Dean’s Office is here to support you!
After each quarter concludes, the Dean’s Office will message students who are experiencing Subject to Dismissal and Academic Notice based on the most recent academic outcomes. Please note that "disqualification" is the same as "dismissal".
- Grade Point Average (Grades) - calculated every quarter, UC cumulative and quarterly GPA
- Academic Notice: 2.00-1.50 UC GPA
- Subject to Dismissal: Below 1.50 UC GPA
- 3rd consecutive quarter on Academic Notice
- More than 16 units of “incomplete” grades
- Minimum Progress (Units) - calculated every quarter.
- Students must maintain and pass an average of 12 units during each full time quarter enrolled
- Academic Notice: Degree progress average units is less than 12 (up to 3 consecutive quarters)
- Subject to Dismissal: 4th consecutive quarter on Academic Notice student will be dismissed
Academic Notice
- Keep an eye on your message center via MyUCDavis. We utilize the secure messaging system for all communication to students regarding academic status.
- Attend an online group ZOOM meeting or meet with a Dean's Office advisor. Our online group ZOOM meeting will provide an interactive environment to review academic notice definitions, discuss how to get back in good academic standing, review campus resources, and help you set goals for the next quarter.
- This online group meeting does not involve your video or audio participation and is best viewed on a full screen lap top, monitor or tablet.
- The presentation may be difficult to view if you will be joining the meeting from a phone screen.
- Pre-registration is required to attend.
UC Davis is committed to providing accessible programming for students with disabilities. To facilitate the coordination of services, please let us know as early as possible if you have an inquiry about accessibility or would like to request an accommodation.
Upcoming webinar dates
Our most recent webinar was in January 2025 and resources from the webinar can be found below. These resources do not replace advising and we strongly encourage students to reach out to an advisor to discuss their specific circumstances.
Note: do not delay in attending a group ZOOM meeting or scheduling an appointment with an advisor. Students who seek advising sooner may have more academic options than those who wait due to pace of quarter system.
- Meet with your intended major advisor as soon as possible to adjust your schedule if advised by your major advisor. Reflect on past experiences and discuss with an advisor a well-balanced schedule that will set you up for academic success during summer and fall quarter(s).
- If you received a grade below a C- in a course, discuss with your major advisor the opportunity to repeat the course(s) during summer session at a UC or in the Fall quarter.
- You must take all classes for a letter grade. You are not allowed to opt to take a courses on a Pass/Not Passed (P/NP) basis while you are in the academic notice process.
Subject to Dismissal
- Keep an eye on your message center via MyUCDavis. We utilize the secure messaging system for all communication to students regarding academic status.
- Once you receive the message from our office, read it in its entirety. The message will provide useful information prior to your appointment with the Dean’s Office
- You are REQUIRED to be seen by our office as a part of the subject to dismissal process. The message will include the deadline to have this required appointment. Failure to meet with an academic advisor will result in automatic dismissal.
- Schedule an appointment as soon as possible by utilizing the appointment system or by emailing our front desk staff at Note: do not delay in scheduling an appointment with our office. Students who schedule an earlier appointment may have more academic options than a student who waits to make an appointment due to the pace of the quarter system.
Reminders prior to your appointment with the Dean's Office
- It is recommended that you see your intended major advisor as soon as you can (prior to your Dean’s office appointment, if possible), and adjust your schedule as advised by your major advisor. For contact information:
- You should be in a balanced and reasonable schedule by the time you meet with the Dean’s Office. Be sure to check you have met all prerequisites in all of your classes. Consider repeating any courses in which you received a D or F.
- Spend some time reflecting over the last quarter(s). In your appointment, your advisor will ask you what you think contributed to your academic challenges. It is important to realistically assess what happened. The more information you can share with your advisor will allow the advisor to better support you. Our goal is to help you identify the factors that have impacted you and help you address then.
- The Dean's Office is here to help you develop a plan for academic success and growth. Sometimes achieving your goals may not look like what you envisioned, but we will work with you to create a path to your academic success.
You do not need to bring anything to your appointment, but we encourage you to read the following document: Preparing for your SD appointment
Want to learn more about this process from your fellow peers? See the UC Davis Undergraduate Education website with more information
Though the academic difficulty process is experienced by many students, if you are feeling especially distressed regarding your circumstances, you are encouraged to seek support from the Student Health and Counseling Services on the first floor of the Student Health and Wellness Center. Their office can be reached at (530) 752-2349 – support is available 24 hours a day.