
If you are a former College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CA&ES) student and you wish to return to UC Davis to resume your undergraduate studies, you may reapply through the readmission process. This process is not competitive, like your initial application to UC Davis. 

If you suspended academic work via the Planned Educational Leave Program (PELP), you do not need to apply for readmission. Review your PELP application for the term that you will return. 

Whether you’ve been gone just one quarter or more, our office is here to support you with your goal of finishing your degree. Follow the steps below to begin your readmission process. 


Readmission application deadlines

Fall: August 31

Winter: October 31

Spring: January 31


STEP 1: Determine what your academic standing was when you left UC Davis.

Academic standing may impact the next steps for your readmission application. 

Please see below: 

  • Good academic standing: Your cumulative UC GPA and term GPA for your last quarter in attendance was 2.0 or higher AND your Minimum Progress average was 12 or higher.
  • Academic Notice (formerly known as “Academic Probation”) or Subject to Disqualification: You left UC Davis not in good academic standing (last quarter and/or overall UC GPA below 2.00 and/or have not met Minimum Progress).
  • Dismissed: You left UC Davis as a result of a dismissal.
    • Grade Point Average (Grades)
    • Calculated every quarter (Fall, Winter, and Spring), UC cumulative and quarterly GPA

      Good Academic Standing: 2.00 GPA last quarter in attendance and overall UC GPA

      Academic Notice: 2.00-1.50 UC GPA  

      Subject to Disqualification: Below 1.50 UC GPA  

      3rd consecutive quarter on Academic Notice

      More than 16 units of “incomplete” grades

    • Minimum Progress (Units)
    • Minimum Progress (MP)

      Calculated every quarter (Fall, Winter, and Spring)

      Students must maintain and pass an average of 12 units during each full-time quarter enrolled

      Academic Notice: Degree progress average units is less than 12 (up to 3 consecutive quarters)

      Subject to Dismissal: 4th consecutive quarter in an Academic Notice status student will be dismissed

STEP 2: Meet with an Academic Advisor


  • If you left UC Davis while in good academic standing
  • Meet with your major advisor (intended major advisor) to update your academic plan.   

    NOTE: future readmission cannot be approved without an updated academic plan, approved by your current/intended major advisor in OASIS.

    To find your major advisor and schedule an appointment:

    • If you still have access to the appointment system, log onto the Advising Appointment System and select your department.

      Alternatively, you can visit the department’s website and search for the undergraduate advisor(s) contact information, or contact for details.

  • If you left UC Davis while not in good academic standing
  • 1.  Meet with CA&ES Dean’s Office to discuss readmission details.

    • To request an appointment, you can complete this form, email, or call (530) 752-0108.

      Additional conditions may be required before readmission is approved based on each student’s record and academic goals. These conditions could include but are not limited to: completing coursework at UC in summer; completing coursework at community college, resolving Incomplete grades, restoring GPA and/or Minimum Progress units, etc.).

    2. Meet with your major advisor or intended major advisor to update your academic plan.

    • NOTE: future readmission cannot be approved without an updated academic plan, approved by your current/intended major advisor in OASIS.

       To find your major advisor and schedule an appointment:

    • If you still have access to the appointment system, log onto the Advising Appointment System and select your department. 
    • Alternatively, you can visit the department’s website and search for the undergraduate advisor(s) contact information or contact for details.
  • If you were dismissed from UC Davis
  • 1. Meet with CA&ES Dean’s Office to discuss your readmission conditions in detail.

    • To request an appointment, you can complete this form, email, or call (530) 752-0108.

      Please note that, based on individual circumstances and your Steps for Future Readmission previously set, additional conditions may be required before readmission is approved. These conditions may include but not limited to: completing coursework at UC in summer; completing coursework at community college, resolving Incomplete grades, restoring GPA and/ or Minimum Progress etc.).

    2. Meet with your major advisor or intended major advisor to update your academic plan.

    • NOTE: future readmission cannot be approved without an updated academic plan, approved by your current/intended major advisor in OASIS.

      To find your major advisor and schedule an appointment:

      • If you still have access to the appointment system, log onto the Advising Appointment System and select your department. 
      • Alternatively, you can visit the department’s website and search for the undergraduate advisor(s) contact information, or contact for details.


STEP 3: Prepare and submit your readmission application

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What if I am unsure what my academic standing was at the time I left UC Davis? 
  • You can check your OASIS file or your unofficial transcript if you still have access to your UC Davis computing account. 

    Contact the CA&ES Dean’s Office if you no longer have access to your OASIS file or computing account.
  • When is the readmission application due?
  • Unlike admission to UC Davis, the readmission process is not competitive but it is rather determined based on specific criteria regarding your academic record and personal circumstances. You are encouraged to apply at least 8-10 weeks before the beginning of the quarter you plan to return. The deadlines to apply for readmission are as follows:

    Fall: August 31            

    Winter: October 31 

    Spring: January 31

  • What happens after I submit my readmission application?
  • 1. Be prepared to pay the processing fee. This fee is managed by the Office of the University Registrar (OUR). Please visit their website for more details about how to pay.

    2. If you have already met with your major advisor or intended major advisor and obtained an approved academic plan, a CA&ES Dean’s Office academic advisor will review your application and follow up with you regarding next steps.

    3. If you have not yet met with your major advisor or intended major advisor you will be asked to obtain an updated academic plan. Readmission cannot be approved without an updated academic plan. 

    4. If you were not in good academic standing status when you left UC Davis, you are required to meet with a CA&ES Dean’s Office academic advisor.

  • How long does it take to approve my readmission application?
  • Assuming all readmission conditions are satisfied, it may take about 14 business days for the readmission application to be approved. If an advising appointment is required or if readmission steps have not been completed a final decision may take longer
  • What happens after my readmission application is approved? 
  • The Office of the University Registrar (OUR) will reactivate your account and assign you a pass time for class registration. Your pass time will be displayed on Schedule Builder. You can find more info about pass times here

    Enroll in courses based on your approved academic plan. 
  • What do I need to do after registering for classes?
  • Make sure to pay your fees. To avoid being dropped from your classes due to non-payment, pay your student fees by the Student Fee Payment Deadline. If you have a prior term balance, a hold will be placed on your student account, which will prevent registration.  Ensure any previous balances are paid so that your registration is not delayed.
  • Who should I contact about financial aid and/or scholarships?
  • Review your tuition rate and connect with the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office if you intend to receive Financial Aid upon readmission.
  • I attended another institution during my time away from UC Davis. What should I do to ensure that I receive transfer credit for those classes?
  • Submit an official copy of your transcript(s) including your final grade(s) to UC Davis Undergraduate Admissions.
  • What happens if my UC Davis email account has been deactivated?
  • Three to four days after receiving approval from the college Dean’s Office, activate or check on the status of your campus computing account through Information and Educational Technology.
  • What are some additional steps I can take to prepare for my return to UC Davis?
  • Use Schedule Builder to check for holds. Clearing all holds before your registration appointment will save you time.

    Check your account balance through MyBill  and pay your fees.

    Connect with our campus partners (i.e. Academic Assistance & Tutoring Center, Educational Opportunity Program, Community Resource and Retention Centers etc.) as needed to support your academic success. 

    Enroll in courses based on your approved academic plan.

    If you have any additional questions about the readmission process, please schedule an appointment with the CA&ES Dean’s Office advisors. 



Contact Us




150 Mrak Hall

Office Hours

Weekdays (except Wednesdays)
9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. 

1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.