
UC Davis to Build New $5.25M Greenhouse to Protect U.S. Grapevine Collection

A new, $5.25 million greenhouse is being built on the University of California, Davis, campus to safeguard an important grapevine collection from red blotch disease and other pathogens.  

The 14,400-square-foot greenhouse will have a vestibuled entry, be insect-proof and provide another level of disease protection. It is being spearheaded by Foundation Plant Services, or FPS, which provides the U.S. grape industry with high-quality, virus-tested grapevine plant material. 

Picnic Day plants find new homes in the community

Thanks to greenhouse staff and students in the UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CA&ES), 6,300 tiny tomato and strawberry plants originally planned for Picnic Day giveaways will soon find a good home.

“We’re reaching out to local food banks, community gardens and students here on campus to find places and ways to safely distribute these plants,” said Saarah Kuzay, graduate student researcher with the Horticulture and Agronomy Graduate Group.


Over 120 research and teaching greenhouses (not including divided sections), 6 lath houses, 3 screen houses, 8 growth chambers, 1 modular farm, and related facilities totaling 190,698 square feet of managed space at five locations on the UC Davis campus. These greenhouse complexes are Core, Environmental Horticulture, Orchard Park, Plant Pathology/Armstrong, West Campus, and Pomology.


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