UC Davis Field Days
Farmers gather to see new research in beef, alfalfa and small grains
When it comes to agricultural research, there’s nothing like seeing it in action to learn how it fits on your farm. That’s why farmers, ranchers, crop advisers and many others gathered at UC Davis on a recent sunny day in May to attend field days focused on beef, alfalfa and small grains.
“This is great information,” says farmer Kim Gallagher, perusing varieties of wheat on display May 17 at the Alfalfa and Small Grains Field Day just west of campus. “It’s really useful to see the variety trials and hear about new developments in drought tolerance and nitrogen management.”
Gallagher grows rice, wheat, walnuts and sunflowers on her family’s Erdman Farms in Colusa and Yolo counties. This was the first time she attended the small grains field day at UC Davis, but it won’t be the last.
“Seeing all this new research helps us plan our farming into the future,” Gallagher says.
Topics at the all-day Alfalfa and Small Grains Field Day included releases of new wheat varieties, improvements in oats and malting barley, the importance of owls and birds in alfalfa pest management, estimating nutrient requirements and strategies for reducing mice damage in drip irrigation systems.
Meanwhile, farmers, ranchers and others were gathered across campus for Beef Field Day, where they explored a wide range of topics including fence design and installation, use of cattle to manage native grasslands and ways to supplement protein and energy on the range. The free, half-day event ended with viewing a silent auction of UC heifers.
If you missed the field days, you can learn more online about the latest developments in alfalfa research, small grains research and beef and other animal science.
And, mark your calendars for more field days on the way. On June 6 in Salinas, you can see the latest developments in strawberry breeding, production and pest management at the UC Davis Strawberry Field Day. On June 11, the annual Russell Ranch Field Day at UC Davis will focus on relationships among water management, fertility management, soil health and soil biology.
On July 12 at UC Davis, weed management will take center stage at the annual UC Davis Weed Day.
Media contact(s)
Diane Nelson, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences dean's office, 530-752-1969, denelson@ucdavis.edu